详情:自行车 > 自行车类 相似256家 > 公司海报
◆展会规模:35000平米,展位1500 余个,参展企业突破900家
Exhibition scale: 35000㎡ ,1500 Boothes ,900 Factories
◆展出内容Produces On Show: 各类自行车200家,童车200家, 玩具400家 配件30家
Bicycle 200 Factories, baby carriage 200Factories, toys 400Factories, spare parts more than 30 factories .
Hebei , pinxiang --china baby carriage production
the manufactures of bicycles spare-parts and baby bicycles
◆参展范围: Scope of Exhibits:
童车玩具类 Children's Products and Toys
Kids Bicycles,Electric Toy Car(Motorcycle),Swing Car,Children Tricycles,Car Seat,Engineering Toy Car,
Remote Control Toys, Intellectual Toys,Plush Toys,Wooden and Paper Toys,Various Model Toys,Animation
Derivative Products.
婴童用品及幼教设备类 Infant and Child Products and Kindergarten Equipment
Baby Walk-ers,Strollers,Crib,Baby Toilets,Baby diapers,milk powder,Children's shoes and clothes,
Safety seats and straps,Maternity supplies,Pre-school Education Products,pre-school education and
Outdoor Amusement Equipment and so on.
体育健身运动类 Sport Products
Various High-qualityBicycles,ElectricBicycles,MountainBikes,RecreationalVehicles,Scooters,RollerSkates,Various Sporting Goods, Outdoor and Sports Equipment and so on.
生产设备及配件Production Equipmentand Accessories
njection Molding Machine and Other Production Equipment and Raw-materials, all kinds of plasticparts,Motors, Batteries, Chargers, Controllers, Instruments, Saddles, Frames, Handlebars, Air Pumps and so on.,联系我时请说是在河北童车网上看到的有优惠谢谢!